From: Jack Kilmon (
Date: Mon Aug 19 1996 - 15:00:14 EDT

Greg Carey wrote:
> Swain replies that "plainly" GRAPH means Scripture here. And 2 Tim 3:15 would
> appear to back him up. But there is a nagging problem that's begging for an
> explanation. If 2 Timothy is pseudonymous, as most scholars think, then its
> author (I love talking about authors!) is using PAUL as a model of inspired
> writing. Is Paul now among the PASAI GRAPAI? If so, what does it mean that 2
> Timothy USES Paul's name to authorize his message?

        Attributing "authorship" of a specific work to the most revered author of
that genre was not uncommon writing practice "in dem daze." There is only ONE
prophet Isaiah but several "contributors".. lifetimes apart.. to the book that
bears his name. 2Timothy seems to appear first known to Theophilus of Antioch,
Irenaeus, and the Muratorian Canon. The trail of 2Timothy, to me, seems to dead
end at Polycarp. The very primitive formula of 2:8 seems very Polycarpish to me.
> Perhaps 2 Tim 3:16 provides a more interesting view into early Christian
> authority messes than we have generally thought.

        I agree. This same "gang of guys" seem to be responsible for the heavy
editing and recomposition of the 4th Gospel. "Authority" was Irenaeus' main
bugle call. I don't think "John, the Elder/Evangelist" who died in Ephesus in
100 CE was Yohanon bar Zebediya, disciple and cousin of Jesus. I think Johnny Zeb
died during the Agrippan persecution. If John the Elder, Papias, Ignatius and
company happened to get their hands on an original "proto-John" memoir/gospel
written by Johnny Zeb, 2Tim3:16 allows them to claim "Apostolic Authority" as
they did throughout the Asia Minor churches.

Jack Kilmon

> Greg Carey
> Department of Religious Studies
> Rhodes College
> Memphis TN 38112 USA

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