Re; Aorist Use of EIMI

Date: Mon Aug 19 1996 - 19:35:18 EDT

     Now that this subject received the first round of answers, I have a
     follow-up question.
     - Carl says "I was in the Smokies (Durative)".
     For this a Greek would likely use imperfect HN.
     Would not EIMI be used in Greek as an Aorist in the following manner:
     - Carl says "I was in the Smokies (Looking upon the entire act as a
     completed whole)."
     Would not a Greek use HN here also? I would think so, but please
     correct me if I am mistaken. I do not think he would use GINOMAI here.
     - Carl's son passes through the Smokies and visits Carl for one day
     and leaves. Carl's son says "I was in the Smokies (Punctiliar)"
     Would not a Greek use HN here also?
     I would normally run a search program, but EIMI is a lot to examine.

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