"bound" in 1 Cor. 7

From: Brant Vogel (vogel@eng.kns.com)
Date: Mon Sep 23 1996 - 07:26:28 EDT


I'm new to this mailing list, and this is my first posting. I was hoping
you could help me.

I have been having a study with a group of elders at our church on the
topic of divorce. We have been looking at 1 Cor. 7 where "divorce by
desertion of unbelieving spouse" is discussed. The crux of the argument
revolves around the meaning of two terms in that passage:

7:15 dedoulotai from douloo "bound"

7:39 dedetai from deo "bound"

Can anyone point my to some good references that discuss the meanings of
these two terms? Are they synonyms? How are they similar? ...different?
I don't have a good library available to me right now. Does anybody out
there have Kittel in an electronic form, that they could post a small

Any help that can be provided would be appreciated. Thanks!


         | ~  ~ |
        (| @  @ |)
-- W. Brant Vogel         		CAD System Administration
-- Kulicke & Soffa Industries		Voice:  (215) 784-6675
-- 2101 Blair Mill Road			Fax:    (215) 659-7588
-- Willow Grove, PA 19090		e-mail: vogel@kns.com
	"He who throws dirt...loses ground"

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