Re: Gal 2:20: EN PISTEI ZW TOU UIOU TOU QEOU, "faithfulness of the son of God?"

Date: Tue Sep 24 1996 - 17:56:22 EDT


Earlier you wrote saying,
> What this understanding of PISTIS IHSOU XRISTOU does is shift the
> understanding of faith from being an act performed by the believer with
> Jesus Christ as its object to being an act performed by Jesus Christ for
> the believer. The initiative in redemption is thus recognized is clearly
> coming from God in Christ and in no way as springing from the believer.
> I don't know if that's sufficiently clear or not. What do you think?
> Regards, cwc
Well, I disagree, but not that much.

It seems to me that both uses of the genitive--subjective or objective--are
theologically accurate. The issue is one of perspective. From a day-to-day
living perspective, we live by our faith in Christ. Yet, as Hebrews points
out, even this faith is from Him. From an ultimate perspective, on the other
hand, we live by Christ's faithfulness.

The issue, therefore, is which of these perspectives did Paul intend to
convey in Gal 2:20. It seems to me, since the point of the whole letter is
living by faith (or the Spirit) vs. living by the Law, that the objective
genitive is the better choice.

I generally only make mistakes in my exegesis whenever I try to do it [sic].
So, I'm open to your thoughts.

Kevin Grenier

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