From: Don Wilkins (
Date: Sun Nov 10 1996 - 19:36:30 EST

I don't have much to say about this because I could just as easily try to
nail jello to a tree as attempt to make a persuasive distinction between
these words. However, I think it might be fair to say that LOGOS has more
to do with content, hRHMA with form. For those who argue that there is no
difference between the two words, I would call attention to a similar
comparison between LEGO and its cognate forms, and LALEW. I happened to be
teaching through the end of John 12 this morning, and met with TI EIPW KAI
TI LALHSW in v. 49. It is hard to make any sense out of this indirect
question, unless there is a perceptible difference in meaning between these

Don Wilkins
UC Riverside

Don Wilkins
UC Riverside

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