Re: Pronouncing Liddell

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Sun Nov 10 1996 - 09:16:27 EST

Leo Percer recently wrote:
>Thanks so much for your apocryphal anecdotes involving great scholars of
>the past! Your story of A. D. Nock brought back fond memories of my
>time studying under Bill Lane at Western Kentucky University. Dr. Lane
>had also studied under Nock and actually shared the exact same story
>to us in a class on Paul (my wife still laughs out loud when I remind
>her of Nock's response, "Not your god. ma'am. Just his humble servant,
>Arthur Darby Nock." Please continue to keep alive these traditions for
>us future scholars! Will we one day be telling anecdotes of Edgar
>Krentz? Who knows! Thanks again for brightening my day, and please
>feel free to send me anymore stories about Nock you may have! If only
>I had had the opportunity to study under him! Alas!
Let me give you two about people whose names you may not know:

1. William F. Arndt of BAGD. The student nickname for him was "Snakey,"
because his exam questions, which sounded so simple at first, always seemed
to have some kind of trap for the unwary. Incidentally, Carl, he wrote a
dissertation at WU in the time of George Reeves Throop titled "The
Participle in Polybius and St. Paul."

2. The second is about Martin H. Franzmann, whom you may know as the author
of the hymn "They Strong Word Did Cleave the Darkness." He taught the class
just before the noon meal. When some of my classmates rather loudly closed
their Greek Testaments at tghe close of the hour (11:50AM), hoping to get
teo the head of the cafeteria line, he looked up and said, without seeming
to lose the cadence of his lecture, "Gentlemen, I still have a few pearls
to cast!"

It could be interesting to compile a list of NT scholars who also were hymn
writers: I can add two more: Martin Luther and Joseph Armitage Robinson
("'Tis Good Lord To Be Here," for Tranfiguration Sunday). Any more that you
can nominate?

Academic trivia fascinate and make great names human. Sometime I will give
you some Kaesemann anecdotes--or Bultmann ones.

Edgar Krentz, New Testament OR *****
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
TEL.: 773-256-0752 FAX: 773-256-0782

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