Re: Carolina Greeks

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Nov 13 1996 - 20:14:03 EST

At 6:09 PM -0600 11/13/96, Jonathan Robie wrote:
>I've been contacted by several Carolina Greeks who are in this list. I'm
>curious - how many of us are there?

Er, was that Greeks? or Geeks?

I confess to being a Carolina Greek. My tenses are SOMETIMES (summertime,
that is) and FUTURE (1999-). I have been known to be active and passive,
and I am more often middle than I care to admit. My moods are up and down,
but it appears imperative that I stop wasting bandwidth. My wife talks
about "Carolina-lookin' fools" but I think I'm the only one she's talking
about. I have heard North Carolina referred to as a Valley of Humility
between two towering Mountains of Conceit, but I know that Randy Leedy is
on one of those mountains and I think our list-owner is on the other, so I
think such twaddle is not tolerable very long, else I am likely to be on
the passive end of a very active verb BALLW (although the passive of BALLW
is said to be PIPTW, which is what I'm likely to do if BLHQEIS). But
whatever I may be hereafter, I am currently from Missouri, and you'll have
to show me.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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