What Theodosia does well, and the NEW LSJM

From: Edward Hobbs (EHOBBS@wellesley.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 19 1996 - 16:11:52 EST

From: LUCY::EHOBBS "Edward Hobbs" 19-NOV-1996 15:27:36.91
To: IN%"nichael@sover.net"
Subj: RE: evil desires/lust or lust

Nichael Cramer's PS to his post with the full bibliographical reference
to Dover's work must have been tantalizing to everyone, so I hasten to give
the full bibliographical reference to the graffito.

Nichael wrote:

< (P.S. I can't resist sharing my favorite quote from Dover's book. In his
discussion of the term <laikazein> Dover points out that we don't really
know for certain what the word means. However, due to a 5c BC graffito
from the Athenian Agora, we do know that "a certain Theodosia does it
well". ;-) >

Here is where you may find it:

        Ath.Agora xxi C33 (iv BC)

Those of you wise enough to follow my frequent advice to buy the NEW (1996)
LSJM with the Revised Supplement by Glare (or at least to buy the
Supplement alone) will already be aware of the fact that we now know what
Theodosia does well (THEIODOSIA LAIKADEI[i] EU). (It's what you probably
thought it meant.)

Edward Hobbs

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