Acts 17:25; AUTOS DIDOUS

From: Randy Leedy (
Date: Fri Nov 22 1996 - 15:07:30 EST

AUTOS DIDOUS in Acts 17:25 looks like a sure enough nominative
absolute; just like the genitive absolute except in the nominative
case. The only difference I can see between this and an unquestioned
absolute construction is that the subject of the absolute participle
does not usually appear in the governing clause (see Blass &
DeBrunner, #423); here AUTOS refers to and agrees with hO QEOS in v.
24, the subject of the governing clause. However, in Matt. 12:46,
nobody questions that AUTOU LALOUNTOS is a genitive absolute, even
though Jesus also appears in the genitive in the governing clause (hH
MHTHR KAI hOI ADELFOI AUTOU). So I don't see any reason not to take
AUTOS DIDOUS in Acts 17:25 as a true nominative absolute.

None of the grammars on my shelf (Blass & DeBrunner, Robertson,
Turner, Dana & Mantey, Burton, and Wallace) or a friend's (Young)
mention a genitive-absolute-like construction in the nominative (in
Wallace and Robertson the Nominative Absolute participle is
substantival rather than circumstantial).

Have the grammars missed something?

In Love to God and Neighbor,
Randy Leedy
Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC

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