b-greek archive

From: J.D.F.=van=Halsema%BW_KG%TheoFilos@esau.th.vu.nl
Date: Thu Nov 28 1996 - 03:34:59 EST

Sorry if this question has been asked before recently:
Where can I find the b-greek archive on the internet? I want to check the
diskussion on the Magdalen papyri.

Thanks, Erik

Erik van Halsema / |Research Assistant / Lecturer
Johan D.F. van Halsema |Faculty of Theology
mailto:j.d.f.van_halsema@esau.th.vu.nl |Vrije Universiteit
mailto:jdfvh@dds.nl |De Boelelaan 1105,
http://huizen.dds.nl/~jdfvh |NL - 1081 HV Amsterdam

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