Re: Software for Biblical Studies

From: Debbie Gaunt (
Date: Wed Nov 27 1996 - 02:13:01 EST wrote:
> For some time I've looked around to find some good software that allows more
> sophisticated work with the GNT (and the BHS). I've stumbled on four
> packages: Logos 2.0, BibleWorks, BibleWindows and Gramcord. Does anyone have
> experience with one or more of these products and could recommend what is the
> best option. As a graduate student more than ten years ago I used an ancient
> version of Gramcord (with 8 inch disks and hours to wait for a search to
> complete). Hoping for some good ideas
> In Christ
> E.H. Norbert Schmidt, Tabor Seminary, Germany

I've been using BibleWorks for about a year now, and it's pretty good,
though there are a few blips in the programme. I recommend it - if you
want more specific info, email me.



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