Re: 1Cor 7:1 - Not to touch a woman....

From: Jeffrey Gibson (
Date: Tue Dec 03 1996 - 14:11:18 EST

Despite what L & W claim the term PARQENOS might imply, it's still a long
way in my mind from giving up one's virgin in marriage (which is what 1
Cor 7:38 says) to giving up one's virginity after one has married. Add to
that the fact that GAMIZW consistently meant "to give another in
marriage (as a father does his daughter)" and not "to marry",
and it seems nearly impossible that Paul is speaking in vs. 38 about
(leta alone that he is recommending) a man remaining a virgin (sexually
untouched and untouching) after he marries.

Jeffrey Gibson

On Tue, 3 Dec 1996 wrote:

> >> On what basis do you get "virginity" from PARQENOS?
> Jeffrey Gibson
> <<
> While I do not have an exhaustive reference set right here with me, here is
> Louw-Nida for your consideration...
> 04926 parqenos ou f or m
> (a) virgin (female) 9.39
> (b) virgin (male) 9.33
> (c) unmarried person 34.77
> 34.77 parqenos, ou f or m: a person who
> has not as yet married (and possibly
> implying virginity) - `unmarried person.'
> peri de twn parqenwn epitaghn kuriou
> ouk ecw `concerning the unmarried, I do
> not have a command from the Lord' 1 Cor
> 7.25. Some scholars interpret parqenos as
> referring not only to those who have never
> married, but also to widows and widowers
> who have not remarried. The meaning of
> `unmarried persons who are not necessarily
> virgins' is well attested in Greek from
> classical times.
> And thanks to all who contributed to the hAPTW/ sexual relations question. There
> are two references I found in Perseus, namely, Aristot. Pol. 1335b40 and Eur.
> Phoen. 946 that directly mention hAPTW with respect to relations among a married
> couple. Not that it is limited to that, but that is certainly one of its
> applications.
> Sincerely,
> Wes Williams

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