Re: Luke 12:01

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Wed Dec 18 1996 - 06:54:36 EST

At 9:05 PM -0600 12/17/96, Josef Lowder wrote:
>Subject: Luke 12:01
>What criteria determines the placement of a word like "first" in the
>following verse:

*First* of all, an adverb should be in reasonably close proximity to the
word it qualifies. I think that the natural assumption here would be that
it is to be construed with the imperative immediately following it,

>grk: hrxato legein proV touV maqhtaV autou prwton prosecete
>lit: began saying to disciples his first beware
>1) first He began to say to His disciples, beware
>2) He first began to say to His disciples, beware
>3) He began first to say to His disciples, beware
>4) He began to first say to His disciples, beware
>5) He began to say first to His disciples, beware
>6) He began to say to His first disciples, beware
>7) He began to say to His disciples first, beware
>8) He began to say to His disciples, first beware
>9) He began to say to His disciples, beware first
>Some of these placements might not significantly change the meaning,
>but others obviously would. Why are #1, 6, and #8 impossible options?

>1) first He began to say to His disciples, beware

This is not impossible, but it is unlikely, particularly for so careful a
writer as Luke: if it modified ERXATO, it really should be closer to it.

>6) He began to say to His first disciples, beware

This really IS impossible; PRWTON is adverbial (n. acc. of the adj.); to
modify MAQHTAS it would have to be PRWTOUS.

>8) He began to say to His disciples, first beware
>9) He began to say to His disciples, beware first

Neither of these is impossible; either would be appropriate, since (as I
said before, the natural assumption is that PRWTON modifies PROSEXETE), but
I think #8 is clearly preferable for the rhetorical emphasis that appears
intended here.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO, USA 63130
(314) 935-4018 OR

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