Re: hermeneutics discussion...

From: David L. Moore (
Date: Sun Dec 22 1996 - 22:54:59 EST

At 03:42 AM 12/23/96 -0800, Somi Chuhon wrote:
>I am getting the hint now that "hermeneutical inquiries" are being less and
>less invited. If there is anyone interested in continuing a discussion in
>this least for the next month or less...please let me know
>"off-line" as I would invite comments and reactions. I am steeped in this
>area right now (not apart from the Greek and Hebrew *smile*) and would
>appreciate comments regarding this area.
>For those who have been bothered by this ongoing discussion,
>apologies...I'll be good. :)

Somi and others who might be interested in discussing matters of hermeneutics:

        I have requested and received an OK from Paul Watkins, list owner of
the greek list, for those who are interested in hermeneutical matters to use
that list for discussion. The following statement was part of a recent post
to that list: "You are more than welcome to pursue a discussion of
hermenuetics on my greek list, provided only that it be related to NT Greek
is some way."

        Those who might want to subscribe may do so by sending e-mail to with the following text in the message section of
the e-mail:

subscribe greek

        Upon subscribing, you should receive a message giving orientation
and information concerning the list.

David Moore

David L. Moore Director
Miami, Florida, USA Department of Education Southeastern Spanish District of the Assemblies of God

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