re: diagramming

From: Paul A. Miller (
Date: Mon Dec 30 1996 - 16:00:26 EST

The GRAMCORD Institute has sponsored several grammatical diagramming
projects which may interest B-Greek participants.

PHILIPPIANS is used as a textbook/workbook at a number of institutions. As
the name would suggest, it teaches exegetical principles by means of
sentences diagramming with Philippians as the "case study." It is published
in a 3-hole punch format so that students can remove it from a binder and
make their own "practice sheets" of the exercises for repeated review. (It
is $25 plus $3 s/h in U.S. GRAMCORD licensees can get it for $20 plus s/h.
Purchased in 5+ quantity as a textbook the price drops to $15 each plus s/h.)

2) For several years now we have distributed the diagrammed Prison Epistles
and the Epistle to the Romans in laser-printed form OR as ChiWriter-document
files (DOS). I think Dr. Dale Wheeler et al may have some other books in
various stages of completion. (In fact, many NT books have been completed
but just haven't been entered into a computer-format yet.) In any case, if
you have a particular near-term need for GNT books already diagrammed,
please contact the Institute off-list.

3) We are investigating ways to incorporate the grammatical diagrams under
some standard format in Windows. On the Macintosh side, some of you may have
seen at AAR/SBL the prototype of the NEXT Accordance version which has
diagramming features; it is looking quite promising and we will probably
eventually offer much or all of the Greek NT already diagrammed as a user

[A PLEA FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING: every time I mention the next
version of any GRAMCORD Institute program and the features we are working
on, I get flooded with emails asking things like (1) what will the price be
and exactly when will these "experimental features" be released to the
public, and (2) "Why didn't you tell me that you were working on that
feature? I would have delayed my order until the next version.", and (3)
"There is a rumor that you have released the entire GNT diagrammed. Please
send details." Indeed, once these diagramming issues get fully worked out
and tested, we will formally announce them here, on our email list, and on
the GRAMCORD Institute website. In the meantime, we can't predict the exact
course of these projects and make many definitive statements about
diagramming with the Windows and Macintosh versions of GRAMCORD. Please keep
in mind that the Associate Scholars of the GRAMCORD Institute are all busy
professors who must tackle these projects amidst such things as classroom
teaching, student advising, and the other responsibilities of an academic

I realize that The GRAMCORD Institute website does not at present contain
information about ALL of our titles and projects -- and John McLean's
Handbook of Diagramming is one such omission. Frankly, November and December
have been unbelievably busy for us and some projects (such as expanding the
website) will have to wait for "quieter times." Indeed, we often find
overselves with more projects than people to do them.

At any rate, if questions remain after reading the above, please contact me
off-list and/or watch our website for future announcements about new
diagramming features.

Prof. Paul A. Miller (Email:
The GRAMCORD Institute [a Washington Non-Profit Corporation]
2218 NE Brookview Dr., Vancouver, WA 98686, U.S.A.
Voice (360)576-3000; FAX (503)761-0626; Webpage:
Computer-Assisted Biblical Language Research (IBM & MAC)

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