Re: "Do it Yourself" Sources

From: Marilyn Phemister (
Date: Wed Mar 05 1997 - 11:48:37 EST

Dear Scholars,

This one has brought me out of lurking. I simply can't let it slip

> Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 11:05:10 -0500 (EST)
> From: Nichael Cramer <>

> (To head off a common objection that often comes up in these
> discussions: I don't think anyone doubts that a formal course of
> study, in a standard setting is by far the prefered path. But,
> speaking for my fellow auto-Greekeleh, there are cases where
> self-study is, alas, the only possible course. My goal is to
> provide pointers to resouces for those who want to do this right.)

I'm afraid I can't offer any resources at this point, other than the
Parsons Technology Greek Tutor. But I must respond to defend the
self-teaching method of learning Greek -- or anything else.
Granted, you have to have some teaching ability if you intend to
teach yourself, and you have to have a good textbook and a
larger-than-life portion of determination and self-discipline. But
it can be done. I know, because that's how I did it -- and I can
read the Greek New Testament fluently.

No, I would not have passed up formal instruction if it had been
available to me. There are advantages to having the companionship
of other students and access to a professor who knows more than you
do. And there are advantages to college credits for the hours
invested. But self-study is a viable option. I know.

Marilyn Phemister



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