Re: Dependent clauses, etc.

From: Micheal Palmer (
Date: Thu Mar 06 1997 - 16:37:45 EST

At 12:13 AM -0600 3/6/97, Ronald Ross wrote:

>. . . Relative clauses often begin with relative pronouns: WHO, WHOM,
>WHOSE or in Greek hOS, hOU, hW, hON, etc. But they don't always. Both
>Greek and English also have participial relative clauses (although most
>Greek grammarians don't recognize them as such).

If you are interested in exploring the "participial relative clauses" that
Ronald refers to here, try looking under Participle, Adjectival in the
index of your reference grammar. Most of the reference grammars include a
discussion of the participle used as a modifier of a noun (or nominal
element). When used in this way the participle usually must be translated
into English as a relative clause, hence the feeling that it is a
participlial relative clause. Personally, I prefer to call them
"adjectival" uses of participial clauses and reserve the term "relative
clause" for clauses which do use relative pronouns, while recognizing that
relative clauses are one type of "adjectival" clause.

Micheal W. Palmer
Religion & Philosophy
Meredith College

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