Way Over My Head

From: Tim Copeland (sticks@enid.com)
Date: Mon Mar 10 1997 - 02:39:33 EST

Oh ye men of wisdom,
     I joined b-greek hoping to learn more about the Greek translation
of the bible; however, it is evident I have bitten off more than I can
chew and I am definately not in your league. I have read numerous
e-mails to individuals and have yet to find any information on basic
study guides for the beginner or whatever it takes to begin a bible
study on the Greek translation, along with little on God's word.
     You folks have definately done alot of research on sentence
structure, and maybe that is what this is all about; however, I didn't
vision it that way. I also joined b-hebrew and am experiencing same.
     Do any of you know of some basic course on the internet for an
individual(s) who are not as well versed as yourselves? A version that
is understandable? Also, do any of you know how to unsubscribe from
this service.

Thank you for your time,
Wanting to learn more about God's word in Oklahoma

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