From: Philip L. Graber (
Date: Wed Mar 12 1997 - 10:35:22 EST

On Wed, 12 Mar 1997, James C. Clardy, Jr. wrote:

> Does anyone know Paul Mirecki at the University of Kansas and Charles
> Hedrick at SWMSU and of their work on translating the new lost gospel as
> being reported by Reuter News Service?

I just recently looked at a book called *Parables as Poetic Fiction*
published in 1994 by Hedrick (Hendrikson Publishers), and I believe he has
edited a lot of Nag Hammadi stuff. In his parables book it is probably
no surprise that he gives great attention to reconstructing "authentic"
parables with much help from the Gospel of Thomas, along with the

Philip Graber Graduate Division of Religion
Ph.D. Candidate in New Testament 214 Callaway Center
                                        Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 USA

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