Re: Off Topic: Justin Martyrs' works in Greek and English

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Sat Mar 15 1997 - 15:27:50 EST

>>Munier, Charles. _Saint Justin Apologie pour les Chre/tiens. ƒdition et
>>traduction. Freibourg Suisse: ƒditions Universitaires, 1995. (Critical
>>Greek text, facing translation, massive French introductoin, with
>>outstanding bibliographies of the two apologies. My required text next
>TTD: This sounds great!! And how much is it? But the one below sounds even
>better!. . .

The Munier text is the best available, especially if you can read the
French! Costs about $35.00.
>>Gildersleeve, Basil. The Aapologies of Justin Martyr. New York: American
>>Book Company, 1877. (Text, with intro and notes by this great classicist. I
>>can get this duplicated for you. Costs about $35.00)

>TTD: This sounds like the best option for me. $35 dollars sounds good.
>Edgar, does this edition also come with the 1st. and 2nd apologies, and
>Dialogue with Trypho?

This has the two apologies, not the Dialogue with Trypho.

>The information that you gave, with the exception of
>Goodspeed's volume, seems to indicate that Justins' writings 1st. 2nd.
>Apology and Dialogue with Trypho don't come together in both Greek and
>English. Goodspeed has only the Greek text. There is NO bilinkgual
>Greek-English text (like a Loeb for classical texts) for Justin.

>Am I incorrect about this? Are you at home now? How can I reach
>you this weekend by Telephone if necessary?

Best to send me e-mail at I would have to get the
Goodspeed from a firm that specializes in quick reproduction of texts. I
sent them my copy of Goodspeed and am w aiting till April 1 to order for
those in my seminar who want it. A single copy might cost a good bit more.

>What fathers, besides justin, are in the 2nd century? Is Marcion included
>in the volume by Goodspeed?

Apostolic fathers (a separate volume). In Goodspped: Quadratus fragments,
Aristides' Apology, Justin Martyr's two apologies and Dialogue with Trypho,
Tatian's Address to the Greeks, Athenagos" Supplication on behalf of the
Christians (all in Greek). In addition Irnaeus (hard to get a Greek text)
>>Goodspeed alone gives an easily available Greek text of the Dialogue with

You can get the Trypho from the Migne PG, available in any good theology
library. Facing Latin translation.
>Goodspeed. Edgar John. _Die Šltetsten Apologeten._ Gšttingen: Vandenhoeck
>und Ruprecht, 1914. (Critical Greek text. Reprinted about six years ago;
>costs about $125.00. Includes most of the second century apologists.)

If you are interested in this period of church history get the following as

Robert M. Grant, _Greek Apologists of the Second Century_. Philadelphia:
The Westminster Press, 1988. ISBN 0-664-21915-2 (This may be out of print;
it was still availble from the Christian Booksellers mail order house.

W. H. C. Frend, _The Rise of Christianity_. Philadelphia: Fortress Press,
1994 (Still in print. ISBN: 0-8006-1931-5
>BTW, I will keep this bibliography on record and continue to look it over
>this weekend.
>Peace and Love,
>Timothy T. Dickens
>Smyrna, GA
> Home
> School

Edgar Krentz, New Testament OR HOME:
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
1100 East 55th Street
TEL.: 773-256-0752 FAX: 773-256-0782

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