Re: Revelation 12:17

From: Greg Carey - Religion (
Date: Thu Mar 20 1997 - 16:21:12 EST


I'd love to see the source of the forsaking theory for LOIPWN. On the surface
of it, I can't see what possible warrant would counter the traditional
translation ("remnant" or somesuch).

1. How would LOIPWN (as "those who forsook") relate to the other genitives in
the string?

2. What would it mean to "farsake the woman's offspring" (read as Christians)?
I can't imagine a parallel motif in the Apocalypse--no one is abandoning John's
audience, only threatening them.

3. Why would the dragon attack people who are actually helping him out? If
he's mad at the woman, that would be a waste of time.

Best I can do,
Greg Carey
Rhodes College

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