Re: phil 2:6

From: Glenn L. Weaver (
Date: Wed Apr 30 1997 - 17:42:00 EDT

You may want to check out Rod Decker's homepage. He has an article
on Philippians 2:6 which is very helpful. Rod's url is

N.T. Wright has an article in (I think) Novum Testamentum, but I
can't remember the issue date. I am thinking 1989, but I may be
wrong. Wright's "Climax of the Covenant" also has a section on this
passage, and I think the book publication is newer than the article.
Certainly it would give you the publication info for his previous

  Glenn L. Weaver Pastor, Grace Community Church
  (612) 588-2291 1300 N. Lilac Drive
                                    Golden Valley, MN 55422

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