Re. 1 Cor. 3:10-17

From: Paul F. Evans (
Date: Tue May 20 1997 - 21:02:54 EDT

<html><html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2 color="#000000" face="Arial">List,<br><br>I am hot on the trail of another exegesis and would like some advice.<br><br>There are several things about this passage that puzzle me, given my rather rudimentary knowledge of koine.<br><br>In the opening verse Paul speaks of laying a foundation and then speaks of ALLOS EPOIKODOMEI. &nbsp;The NASB translates this &quot;and another is building upon it,&quot; &nbsp;the NIV &quot;and someone else is building on it.&quot; &nbsp;Obviously the English prep. phrase is understood. &nbsp;Is this a general statement of the sort, &quot;I planted the seed, Apolos watered...&quot; (1 Cor. &nbsp;3:6)? &nbsp;In other words, is Paul observing that in a general sense that others are building on the foundation he has laid, or is there someone specific in mind. &nbsp;That is, is the ALLOS somewhat emphatic (is that the right term?)?. &nbsp;Paul was having problems in Corinth with Judaizers, and I was wondering if this c
onstruction seems to hint at it, ie. &quot;another (singular) is building....&quot; &nbsp;I ask this because he makes reference the possibility of sub-std. building materials. &nbsp;<br><br>I seem to see a much less complicated &quot;...another builds,&quot; here. &nbsp;In which case I feel as though the DE is somewhat adversative, &quot;I laid...&quot;...but another builds,&quot; one of Paul's barbed statements that makes a point ever so subtly!<br><br>Some guidance would be appreciated.<br><br>This passage is full of interesting constructions. &nbsp;Another is at the end of this paragraph. &nbsp;<br><br>...GAR HO NAON HAGIOS ESTIN TOU QEOU HOITINES ESTE HUMEIS<br><br>I am struggling with the ambuguity of this. &nbsp;Is paul saying &quot;whose temple you are&quot; or is he saying &quot;whose you are&quot; in the sense of belonging to God?<br><br>One last question. What are we to make of the structure of:<br><br>...EPI TO QEMELION XPUSON, ARGURON, ETC.<br><br>How are QEMELION and the other nouns linked gramm
atically, is it an attributive arrangement, where the the nouns serve as adjectives describing the foundation? &nbsp;I can't seem to grasp it! &nbsp;<br><br>Please forgive me if these questions seem to be very elementary, but I seem to detect in this paragraph a veiled attempt by Paul to describe his position with respect to those who seem to be undermining his work at Corinth. &nbsp;I wonder if I may be reading more into the text than is really there.<br> <br>Paul F. Evans<br>Pastor<br>Thunder Swamp Pentecostal Holiness Church<br>MT. Olive, NC <br><br>E-mail: &nbsp;<font color="#0000FF"><u></u><font color="#000000"><br>Web-page: &nbsp;<font color="#0000FF"><u>><font color="#000000"><br><br>&quot;Endeavouring to make use of NT Greek in real life ministry!&quot;</p>

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