Acts 4:32 what are the arguments of *hn*?

From: Clayton Bartholomew (
Date: Sat May 24 1997 - 07:13:26 EDT

Acts 4:32 what are the arguments of *hn*?

This is a simple question. The first clause of Acts 4:32 *tou ... mia*
begins with a genitive construction. Is this genitive construction one
of the arguments of *hn*? Rewording the question somewhat, can *kardia
kai psuch* and *mia* be construed as the two arguments of *hn* and the
genitive construction be construed as limiting *kardia kai psuch*?
I guess this is a question about word order in NT Greek. Are there any
hard and fast rules about the order of the arguments for *eimi*? Also,
can a genitive construction be separated from the substantive it
limits by a verb?

The English translations appear to take the genitive construction as
the first argument of *hn.* Is this the only way to analyze this
 Clay Bartholomew
 Three Tree Point

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