Re. 1 Cor. 3:10-17 Some more!

From: Paul F. Evans (
Date: Thu May 29 1997 - 11:38:14 EDT

<html><html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2 color="#000000" face="Arial">List,<br><br>I need a little more help. &nbsp;I know that what I am asking is rather humdrum compared to all of the linguistic theory around lately but I would appreciate some help.<br><br>In the above mentioned passage there are a number of curious things to sort out from a hermeneutical perspective. &nbsp;While the list is not devoted to that aspect of study, I need to be able to grasp the language in order to make an informed interpretation.<br><br>Paul uses a number of prepositions in a somewhat ordinary way, but I would like to get at exactly what is being expressed by them. &nbsp;For instance, the passage in question begins with KATA THN CHARIN.... &nbsp;I would like to understand the force of KATA here. &nbsp;According..., does it mean by the measure, or in proportion to the measure of grace given me? &nbsp;There is a difference I think. &nbsp;One could view this as Paul saying that God's grace has made him o
r, to use a Christian phrase, ordained him to be a master builder. &nbsp;Or one could view it as saying that the grace of God operates in him to act as a master builder. &nbsp;In other words does the phrase mean that Paul is operating under &quot;master builder&quot; grace, or that he is appointed as the church's master's builder? &nbsp;What is the force of the prep. phrase? &nbsp;And does that change our understanding of HWS SOFWS ARCHITEKTWN?<br><br>The how about the HOUTWS HW DIA PUROS? &nbsp;What is the force of the DIA here? &nbsp;Instinctively I look at this as fig. language, but DIA can express agent and instrumentality at times. &nbsp;Surely this cannot mean that the one whose work is burned up is saved by the fire!? &nbsp;However, I am not entirely satisfied with the idea of &quot;through&quot; as in &quot;passing through.&quot; &nbsp;Any thoughts?<br><br>And one more question. &nbsp;I could not get and accurate fix on HOITINES. &nbsp;The clause that it is in is interpreted as &quot;and that is what
 you are.&quot; &nbsp;Is this accurate or could this be and that is whose you are referring to belonging to god rather than the figure of the temple? &nbsp;I asked this before but received no answer to satisfy me!<br><br>Now just an opinion here! &nbsp;This is not a question in the same sense as above. &nbsp;The SWQHSETAI in my opinion probably does mean evangelical salvation in the accepted sense here, even though many interpret it that way. &nbsp;SWZW can be applied to a rescue or a deliverance, which I am ssuming it is many times in the LXX, to which I have no access. &nbsp;I think here Paul is saying something like, &quot;although he will suffer great loss because his works will be burned up, he will not suffer total loss, but it will be a narrow escape!&quot; &nbsp;&quot;He will come through with little more than his own safety in tact!&quot; How about a (gentle!) critique. <br><br>This passage while straight forward in mechanics is an interpretive nightmare!<br><br>Paul F. Evans<br>Pastor<br>Thunder Sw
amp Pentecostal Holiness Church<br>MT. Olive<br><br>E-mail: <font color="#0000FF"><u></u><font color="#000000"><br>Web-page: <font color="#0000FF"><u>><font color="#000000"></p>

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