RE: Intro Grammars

From: Clayton Bartholomew (
Date: Tue Jun 03 1997 - 07:18:42 EDT

The original question about grammars was, I believe about intermediate or advanced
grammars if my memory serves me correctly. But since we are now discussing
introductory works I will put in my pitch for E.V.N. Goetchius *The Language of the NT.*
This work is available used at *Powell's City of Books* on the WWW for about $12 (Retail
is $70).

Goetchius is not a traditional grammar. It incorporates principles of linguistics
(structuralism?) through out, particularly in the presentation of syntax. Goetchius uses
the slot and filler metaphor to explain Greek syntax. This method on analysis is
extremely helpful in grasping how the language works. Goetchius also starts talking about
syntax immediately which is a major improvement over the Machen clones.

All this makes Goetchius a good choice inspite of its age and price. The treatment of
morphology is confuseing at some points but morphology is just about all you get from
the Machen clones.

One major problem with this book is learning to pronounce the name Goetchius. Also, I
have never gone out for a beer with E.V.N. Goetchius. That's a drawback.

Clay Bartholomew
Three Tree Point

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