Re: Wenham (less, rather than more)

From: Jim Beale (
Date: Tue Jun 03 1997 - 16:18:23 EDT

On Jun 3, 10:53am, Carl W. Conrad wrote:

> I just hafta put in my "voice" question here: what voice does one use
> to "eat" tea. Somehow I always had the notion that one "takes" tea, but
> I've wondered whether this was LAMBANETAI or DECETAI or perhaps
> METECETAI--and of course a partitive object would be <italic>de
> rigueur.
> </italic>I do regret that I've learned Banbury and Woodstock only
> vicariously through the pages of Colin Dexter, whose splendid mysteries
> are all set in Oxford, and I recommend them to any mystery lover who
> has time for mysteries (now that sumer is icumen in). Another marvelous
> evocation of Oxford is that of Dorothy L Sayers' <italic>Gaudy
> Night</italic>, where Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane finally plight
> their troth, inspired by a performance of Bach's Double Concerto, even
> as they join hands in solving the current murder.
> Aye, and from whom those liberals might also learn something. Wenham's
> book on synoptic criticism is very nicely reasoned, whether or not one
> agrees with it, and it is free from that strident tone that marks much
> of what Linnemann and Farmer have written.

The voices of Carl Conrad:

1. "hafta" is typical passive middle American.
2. "de rigueur" is an elegant middle French motif.
3. "sumer" is evidently a reference to Sumerian hyperactive
4. "is icumen in" is probably active passive middle Hick
5. "Aye" is middle English.

My guess is that this barely scatches the surface of the
mysterious Carl Conrad - the man of many voices!!



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