Re: Logic biblical?

Date: Sat Jun 07 1997 - 11:15:45 EDT

Carlton was my major professor at NOBTS. During his sabbatical we have been
working together on several items related to his collation of some minuscule
mss. here. We spent all day Thurs. sorting out some details in several mss.
 He has been a "model" in the best sense of the word for me, although I don't
pretend to attain to his level of expertise on Greek grammar. When he left
NOBTS to become head of the religion department at Louisiana College, I was
asked to fill his vacancy since my training was mostly in the same areas in
which he had been teaching.

On the "biblical logic" question, I fear that many will not struggle
sufficiently with the differences between cultures (especially between the
modern Western culture and the ancient one). While the argument could be
very stimulating, likely the result for many will be oriented more to a
defense of already-held perceptions than a discussion of the ancient sources
and context. At least that's my 2 cents worth.

I appreciate your contributions to this list. Your insights have been very
helpful on numerous issues and your tone has helped keep the list cordial.
 Perhaps after finishing with two pressing writing projects, I'll be able to
contribute more.


Bill Warren
Professor of New Testament and Greek
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

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