e-mail problems

From: James H. Vellenga (jhv0@viewlogic.com)
Date: Wed Jun 11 1997 - 13:17:55 EDT

I see from the Biblical Greek archives that you were
as of yesterday not getting stuff from the b-greek
mailing list. For that matter, neither am I -- that's
why I checked the archives.

I did a WHO from majordomo@virginia.edu, and it appears
that we're both on the list.

Are you getting stuff from b-greek now?

Did you get this?


James H. Vellenga | jvellenga@viewlogic.com
Viewlogic Systems, Inc. __|__ 508-303-5491
293 Boston Post Road West | FAX: 508-460-8213
Marlboro, MA 01752-4615 |

"We all work with partial information."

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