Net Beginner Greek Class Announcement

From: Paul Dixon (
Date: Sat Jun 21 1997 - 14:58:25 EDT

Many have expressed interest in a net beginner Greek class. I am more than willing to supervise/teach the class.

My credentials: Th.M. in Greek NT from Dallas Seminary ('75), D.Min in Pastoral Ministries (Western Seminary, '96), pastored churches for the past 20 years, taught several years in Greek NT in local churches (am currently teaching a Greek class in our church), taught in evening school at Multnomah School of the Bible, several articles either published or under consideration. I say these things only to encourage participation in the class.

Paul Nanson has volunteered to put a list together in the next few days. We will let you know just how to subscribe, as soon as the details are available.

Here is the format of the class. We will use Machen's Greek Grammar, or whatever the exact name of it is (my copy is at the office). We will start next week (say Monday, June 23 or thereabouts) and progress at one or two chapters per week. More about this in a moment. Each student will read on his own, ask questions as needed, do the Greek translation (Greek to English) at the end of each chapter. I will provide the answers to the translations problems. I do not know if there is a key available. Regardless, answers will be provided.

We have to agree as to the pace of the class. The class I am teaching now starting out using Wenham's grammar and doing 2 chapters per week. After 60% of the class dropped out (not an unexpected attrition rate, BTW), we decided to slow the pace to one chapter per week. We could do the same (start fast and slow down, if necessary), or just start slow (yawn). Whatever.

Comments or suggestions?

Paul Dixon

Paul S. Dixon, Pastor
Ladd Hill Bible Church
WIlsonville, Oregon

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