Re: "The Stealth Bible Exposed"

From: Frantz Iago (
Date: Mon Jun 23 1997 - 13:18:19 EDT

I do agree that this is not the place for debates on gender neutral Bibles
unless the questions around it are directly concerned with the proper way of
translating from the Greek text in a way that is faithful and communicate
propoerly the concepts or message of the writer.

There is of course many parts in the Hebrew or Greek texts that the writers
maybe did not have a gender in mind but they did not have a neutral term
like the one you can find in many other languages. And there are other places
where the writer refered directly to a male or female person. But the debate
around this issue and the extremes taken by one side or the other take us away
from the essense of the message and our serious and faithful commitement to
understand it and its language in the case of the B-Greek forum the best we
can, in order to become faithful in our daily life with acts of mercy and words
of love in a society so full of violence, racism, oppression, and other kind of
injustice, which are sin.

I hope that B-Greek could be a forum where we can come with an open mind to
undertand and dialogue about the text and do our best to leave our preconcibed
ideas behind and let the text speak.

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