Net Beginner Greek Class Update

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Thu Jun 26 1997 - 02:41:03 EDT

Here is where we are on the beginner Greek class:

1. We haven't started yet, but hope to start as soon as the list is
approved and made available. When that happens we will let
you know how to subscribe.

2. We are definitely planning on using Machen's, "New Testament
Greek for Beginners". Try to get one a copy, if you are planning on
taking the course. We hope to scan the book and put it on the web.
We had been informed that copyright laws no longer apply due to the
amount of time elapsed since it was copyrighted. But, this has been
challenged by some. We are awaiting final go ahead on this. If you
have any definite information regarding this, please let us know.
So, if we are not prohibited from putting it on the web, then we will
have to rely on books.

3. The plan is to go one chapter a week. That means the beginning
Greek course will take 33 weeks. If all goes well, we will entertain
going on to the next level.

4. I am looking for a team teacher or two. If interested, please send
a personal note and include your credentials. Your work would be to
help answer questions and/or provide translation and parsing for the
exercises at the end of each chapter. Your pay: $0 per hour, but lots
of job satisfaction and perks. :)

5. If any Greek teacher is willing and has the computer capability
media) of providing wave files consisting of Greek readings from the
text, please let me know. That would be a big help.

6. If you have any suggestions, fire away.


Paul S. DIxon



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