Re: Revelation and Fourth Gospel

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Mon Jun 23 1997 - 07:18:04 EDT

At 07:57 PM 6/23/97 +1000, David McKay wrote:
>The subject matter of the fourth gospel and the Revelation are quite
>different. Would we expect the language to be the same?

I just fished some excerpts out of my mailbox. Are these paragraphs by the
same author, two different authors, or three different authors? If two
different authors, which two paragraphs are by the same author?

Excerpt 1:

>Good answers have been given; I'll just add one point. A Greek word
>doesn't necessarily have to agree with anything. Luke isn't to be
>faulted because he wrote a word that doesn't agree with any other
>words. To the question of why a word is in a certain gender, number,
>and case, agreement with another word is only one of many possible
>answers. It is the CORRECT answer only when the word is in an
>attributive relationship to the other word. In the absence of such a
>relationship between two words, any agreement between them is

Excerpt 2:

>Sounds like your family has quite a range of siblings. It really is strange
>how very different siblings can be, given the same parents and more or less
>the same schooling and general environment. It makes one wonder how
>Freudian psychiatrists ever got away with the notion that parents are to
>blame for neurotic children.

Excerpt 3:

>I just ordered 8 Production Reds, 7 Barred Rocks, 5 Buff Orpingtons, and 5
>Silver laced Wyandotts, which should all arrive the week of May 12th, though
>they need to confirm the date tomorrow.

Of course, this is a little different from the job of determining whether
Revelations and John are written by the same author, since you have a much
smaller sample of text, but it *does* give a feeling for the problem. And
I'm quite certain that most of us are better at catching the nuances of
English than the nuances of Greek. Incidentally, I didn't pick these
examples to make it hard, I just took things I could find quickly, making
sure I didn't include anything anybody would find embarassing.


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703

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