New FAQ for B-Greek

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Mon Jun 30 1997 - 18:04:20 EDT

B-Greekers All:

The document here posted is a revised version of the official welcome
statement that is sent out to all new subscribers, and the welcome
statement will soon incorporate it. It is issued with the authorization of
David John Marotta, the ListOwner, and has been approved by Edward C. Hobbs
and Carl W. Conrad on behalf of the B-Greek Staff. Most of the work of
formulation of this FAQ was actually done last fall after David Marotta
appointed the members of the B-G Staff and named Edward Hobbs as the Chair
of the Board; it is fundamentally a group effort, although the final
compilation was completed by Edward and myself. It is our hope that careful
definition of the scope of discussions appropriate to the list and of the
level of courtesy appropriate to list correspondence may enhance the value
of the list for all participants.

At the same time we are asking Jonathan Robie, our esteemed webmaster, to
post the new FAQ to the B-Greek web site.

BG FAQ (promulgated 97/06/30)
B-GREEK (Biblical Greek Studies) Conference


B-GREEK (Biblical Greek Studies) Conference

Contents of this information message:

A. Description of the list
     1. Purpose
     2. Acknowledgements
B. Posting to the List
     1. Where to send commands and messages
     2. "Reply" function of mailing programs
C. Housekeeping:
     1. subscribing
     2, unsubscribing
     3. easier yet: use the B-Greek Home Page e-mail links
     4. Majordomo list server commands
D. Netiquette
E. Transliteration Schemes
F. Web-site and Archives


     1. Purpose: B-GREEK is an electronic conference designed to foster
communication concerning the scholarly study of the Greek Bible and related
Jewish and Christian Greek texts, matters of concern to beginning and
advanced students of Biblical Greek such as textbooks, reference works,
bibliography and research tools, with a fundamental focus on understanding
the Greek text of the Bible. Anyone interested in New Testament Studies is
invited to subscribe, but the list will assume at least a working knowledge
of Biblical Greek. Those interested in learning to study the Bible in a
more personal and less exclusively academic manner should join the BIBLE

     2. Acknowledgements: The list is supported by the University of
Virginia. Our thanks to their management and staff for permission to use
their system for the list and for assistance in setting it up. The
opinions expressed do not reflect those of the University.

The list is sponsored by the the Center for Christian Study, an independent
Christian ministry at the University of Virginia. The Center for Christian
Study has been dedicated to providing quality Christian Education since its
inception in 1976. The main purposes of the Center are to maintain a
caring University outreach ministry and to encourage Christians (and
others) to think serious about the Christian faith. If you wish more
information about the Center for Christian Study please write:

      The Center for Christian Study
      128 Chancellor Street
      Charlottesville, VA 22903
      (804) 295-2471

Questions about this conference may be directed to David John Marotta.

| David John Marotta Internet: |
| Adjunct Faculty Prodigy: KCMR45A |
| The Center for Christian Study IBM US Mail: USUVARG8 |
| 128 Chancellor Street voice: (804) 982-3718 |
| Charlottesville, VA 22903 messages: (804) 924-5261 |
| (804) 295-2471 fax: (804) 296-7209 |


     1. Where to send commands and messages: Remember two simple

If it's a command (SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE), send it to the list requester:


If it's a message for general distribution to the members of the list, send
it to the list:


     2. "Reply" function of mailing programs

Please DO NOT USE THE REPLY function on your email's software when replying
to the entire list. Mail software varies widely and unless your program
can be set to send replies BOTH to the original sender AND to the list
address, be careful to address your response EITHER to the list OR to the
original sender OR to both. Unless you are careful about this, your
response may go astray.


     1. Subscribing: You may SUBSCRIBE by sending an e-mail message to


with the following request as the text of the message.


If you want to subscribe to only a digested version of the list, then give
the command


You can be subscribed to both the immediate version and the digested
version of the list at the same time.

This, the 'SUBSCRIBE ...,' must be part of the message; the subject line
will be ignored. If you must request a subscription to a different address
than your own return address you can give the command:

      SUBSCRIBE B-GREEK <address>

but this requires operator intervention, and is therefore *not* appreciated.

     2. Unsubscribing: If you wish to GET OFF THE LIST follow these
instructions: (You don't need to send both the B-GREEK and the
B-GREEK-DIGEST versions unless you are subscribed to both.)

Try sending the following message to


If this does not work, you are probably subscribed under an address which
is different than your return address, send the following command to


Find which address is yours, and then send the following command to

      UNSUBSCRIBE B-GREEK <address>

As a last resort, contact the list-owner at, but there
isn't anything that he can do other than what is listed here which you can

     3. Easier yet: use the B-Greek Home Page e-mail links: point your web
browser to:

You will find there convenient automatic mail links that will send
"subscribe" or "unsubscribe" requests directly to

     4. Majordomo list server commands: Here are some additional MajorDomo
listserver commands:

      HELP Retrieve the automated help message
      INFO <listname> Retrieve the general introductory
                           message for the named list
      LISTS Show all the lists served by this
                           Majordomo server
      END Stop processing commands - it is a good
                           idea to put this command as the last
                           command for any message to Majordomo
      WHO <listname> Show the members of the named list

D. Netiquette:

     1. Respectful discourse: Those who participate in the conference
represent a wide range of theological and denominational perspectives,
perhaps even including some whose interests are purely academic. Deep
religious convictions surely characterize many, perhaps most, of the
list-participants, and some of these convictions bear directly upon how the
Biblical text is to be understood. At the core of our discussion, however,
is not what our convictions are but what the Greek text may legitimately be
understood to mean. If discussion of this nature is to succeed, proper
respect and courtesy to other list members is important. While scholarly
debate, including disagreement, is encouraged as a goal of this conference,
attacks upon the character, intelligence, or faith of those participating
are not acceptable. Criticism must focus upon the arguments of others; it
may not be directed to the individual. Those who violate this policy will
be contacted politely by the B-Greek staff and requested to conform to
these guidelines. Those who continue to violate the policy will no longer
be welcome in the conference.

     2. It is considered to be in very poor taste to post to the list items
that have been sent off list. Before doing so always consult the author to
see if this is acceptable. Complaints from authors of messages that have
been posted to the list without their consent will be reviewed by the BG
Staff and appropriate action will be taken, if necessary.

     3. No advertisements or job-postings are allowed without the approval
of the list-owner, David John Marotta <>. Please clear
your requests before posting. Those directly related to the subject matter
of B-GREEK will probably be approved.

     4. Signatures: It is a courtesy expected of B-Greek subscribers that
messages should indicate, at least in the "From" header, the personal name
as well as the e-address, or else should at least sign their posts with
personal names. Indications of the locality from which they write would
help personalize further for others the sender of a message. Academic or
institutional information may be appended also, but there is no privilege
associated with any academic or institutional status so-indicated.

E. Transliteration Schemes:


     B-Greek has from the beginning allowed every poster to use
any scheme he/she found comfortable, since we all could usually
figure out what text was meant. For those who wish some
guidance, a generally accepted scheme has evolved on the List,
with two or three matters still not fully settled.

(1) CAPITALS are used when transliterating Greek letters, on a
one-to-one basis, reserving lower-case {i} to represent
iota-subscript and lower-case {h} to represent rough breathing.
No accents, no smooth breathings. And no distinction between
medial and final Sigma.

(2) If accents are really necessary, to distinguish otherwise
identical words, acute is represented by {/}, grave by {\}, and
circumflex either by tilde {~ [preferable]} or {=} -- always
AFTER the vowel over which it would be written.

(3) A few characters without Roman single-character form are
usually done with almost-look-alike Roman characters otherwise

     Theta = Q
     Eta = H
     Psi = Y (upsilon is always U)
     Omega = W

(4) Digraphs (in the usual Roman transliteration) are handled in
three different ways to avoid two-letter transliterations, all
involving otherwise-unused Roman letters:

     THeta uses Q ("look-alike", as above).
     PSi uses Y ("look-alike", as above).
     PHi uses F (sound equivalence).
     CHi uses C (first letter of traditional digraph).

(5) Xi and Chi: There being no single Roman letter for "Xi"
other than X, the "look-alike" use of X for "Chi" is confusing,
though some use it. And some seem to like to use C for "Sigma."
Since S is otherwise unused, and poses no confusion whatever,
using C for "Sigma" makes for problems in decoding back to Greek,
especially since it is the only letter available for "Chi"
(unless X is used, thus posing a problem for "Xi"). And
occasionally someone uses P for "Rho", making problems for how to
represent "Pi".


               Usual in Traditional
               B-Greek (uses macrons and digraphs)

alpha A a
beta B b
gamma G g
delta D d
epsilon E e
zeta Z z
eta H e with macron
theta Q th
iota I i
kappa K k
lambda L l
mu M m
nu N n
xi X x
omicron O o
pi P p
rho R r
sigma S s
tau T t
upsilon U u
phi F ph
chi C ch
psi Y ps
omega W o with macron

rough breathing h h
iota-subscript i (i)

F. Web-site and Archives:

     1. B-Greek Home Page:
     Here you will find a text of this FAQ, easy e-mail links for
subscribing and unsubscribing, and links to the B-Greek Archives.

     2. B-Greek Archives:
     Here may be found the correspondence accumulated from list-members
since the inception of the list in 1992. There are gems here, and to assist
you to discover them, the webmaster, Jonathan Robie, has provided a
powerful search engine that will quickly enable you to find discussions on
a topic of interest to you, if in fact, that topic has at some point in the
history of the list also been of interest to others.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Summer: 1647 Grindstaff Road/Burnsville, NC 28714/(704) 675-4243 OR

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