Re: SIGATW in 1 Cor 14:34

From: Theresa J List, Dcs (
Date: Sat Jun 28 1997 - 15:06:31 EDT

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997 14:38:09 -0500 (CDT) "R. D. Dickson"
<> writes:

>With respect to the apparent contradiction in Paul's instruction in I
>Corinthians, I wonder if the solution doesn't lie in different
>settings of
>worship between I Cor. 11:1-16 and I Cor. 11:17-14:40? A structural
>of change might lie in the language of 11:17-18a touto de paraggellwn
>epainw oti ouk eis to kreisson alla eis to hsson sunerxesthe. prwton
>gar sunerxomenwn umwn en ekklhsia. . . when seen in relation to and in
>contrast to 11:2 epainw de umas oti panta mou memnhsthe kai kathws
>umin tas paradoseis katexete. There is clearly a shift in Paul's
>level of
>approval of Corinthian practice, perhaps there is a shift in setting
>worship in view as well. If Paul is at pains to make it clear that he
>raising the issue of the corporate worship of the church in 11:17-18
>ekklhsia), perhaps we can conclude that some other type of meeting is
>view in 11:1-16.
>The Rev. Dr. R. William Dickson
>Chaplain of All Saint Episcopal School, Tyler
What interesting observations! I'll have to ponder them ... Thanks!
Theresa List

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