8.1049, Calls: Computer Assisted Language Learning (fwd)

From: Mari Broman Olsen (molsen@umiacs.umd.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 10:22:07 EDT

>From the LINGUIST list (via Mari Olsen)

Date: Sat, 12 Jul 1997 18:21:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: dub@sirius.com (Jim Duber)
Subject: CALL for Reviewers/New URL for CALL Site

CALL @ Chorus, <http://www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/call/index.html>, is
a web-based resource offering detailed reviews of software and books
targeted towards language students and instructors. We also feature
demonstrations of the latest in Cutting Edge
CALL Demos, and a carefully selected index of CALL Links to interesting and
relevant sites on the web.

We are currently inviting all those interested in reviewing Computer
Assisted Language
Learning software and/or books to submit a current resume with a cover
letter detailing their background and experience with CALL as well as any
specific language or regional interests that they might have.

Submissions should be made via email to the Section Editor, Jim Duber,

Please send all documents in one of the following text formats: ASCII
(i.e., email only), Rich-Text (i.e., RTF), Word 6 or earlier, or PDF.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have on this.

   * NOTE: CALL @ Chorus has just moved to our new sponsor: *
   * UC Berkeley's College Writing Programs *
   * We're newly designed, newly updated, new content too. *
   * Our old site at http://www.chorus.cycor.ca/Duber/ *
   * will soon be phased out. *

Best wishes,


Jim Duber, Editor C A L L @ C H O R U S
dub@sirius.com http://www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/call


LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1049

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