From: Kevin W. Woodruff (
Date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 10:45:27 EDT

Actually that particular idiom is a Semetic idiom cf. Joshua 7:19

At 01:25 PM 7/14/97 +0930, you wrote:
>Clay Bartholomew wrote:
>A member of the b-greek list in a private post recently suggested
>an idiom dictionary for NT Greek. I think this is not only a good idea,
>but I
>think it can be done with all the appropriate linguistic finesse that
>like Bullinger's do not possess. There are common expressions in the
>NT that show a lot of semantic skewing. These expressions are
>difficult for new students. I see no reason why a lexicon of these
>expressions could not be built after the model of Louw and Nida's work.
>problem that Edward is addressing can be avoided by showing that each of
>these expressions (Idioms) has a semantic domain like all other lexical
>tokens. The only difference between this kind of a dictionary and Louw
>Nida's would be that the lexical token would now be made of short
>strings of
>words instead of a single word. I think that such a tool would have
>value and
>that it would have no more shortcomings linguistically than any lexicon.
>Actually Louw & Nida does contain exactly the above already...
>For example, look under DOXA in the index and you will see a Greek idiom
>(can't remember the actual Greek - don't have Louw & Nida on me) which
>is translated literally as "Give glory to God" (in John's gospel I
>think) which really means "promise to tell the truth"
>Andrew S. Kulikovsky B.App.Sc(Hons) MACS
>Software Engineer
>CelsiusTech Australia
>Module 6 Endeavor House
>Technology Park
>Adelaide Australia 5095
>Ph: +618 8343 3837
>Fax: +618 8343 3777
>Some people are so narrow-minded,
> they can see through a key hole with both eyes
>Others are so open-minded
> their brain has fallen out.

Kevin W. Woodruff
Library Director/Reference Librarian
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