Re: Ignatius to Polycarp 2.3

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Mon Jul 14 1997 - 07:29:33 EDT

Carl Conrad wrote;

>Well, you shouldn't ever find hH hAUTH GENEA anywhere in respectable Greek,
>though you might very well find hAUTH hH GENEA or hH GENEA hAUTH as in Mk
>13:30 (the demonstrative is always predicative in position). But hO KAIROS
>could very well express the sense of "this time in human history"--and
>that's what I had in mind above.
J.W. Bowman in his little book on Revelation suggests that Rev 1:3 hO GAR
KAIROS EGGUS should be translated, "For the crisis is at hand."

I was quite surprized when I asked a guide in Greece how do you say, "How's
the weather?" and she replied PWS EINAI hO KAIROS; She turned out to be
also quite a student of the classics. She maintained that this word nearly
always involves the present situation. It fits with Ephesians "Redeeming
the time" "taking your present opportunities."

Carlton Winbery
LA College

Sorry Carl to send this again, but I did not notice my cc was empty.

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