RE: EIMI and Time (for the second year)

From: Williams, Wes (
Date: Thu Jul 10 1997 - 13:16:39 EDT

Dear Bill,

Yes, I did say the below tongue-in-cheek, having fond interchanges with
Carl, et. al. for almost three years now. The b-greek culture I remember
(up until 3 months ago) had occasional respectful lightheartedness,
which I thought was a good reminder to prevent taking selves too
seriously. I personally think that true learning is best achieved when
one's ideas are exposed to a variety of constructive criticisms
(lighthearted "zaps") while maintaining a tolerance for each other's
backgrounds, and I welcome such. I take it you are new to b-greek Bill?
If so, welcome. If not, thank you for your welcome reminder. Please
respond off-list so we do not clutter everyone's mailboxes.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Chapman []
> Sent: Thursday, July 10, 1997 5:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: EIMI and Time (for the second year)
> > From: "Williams, Wes" <>
> > Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 09:50:15 -0600
> > Carl . . . "zapped" me, twice mind you!
> I realize (expect, hope, think) Wes said this with tongue-in-cheek,
> but only because I presuppose he would not personally attack Carl. In
> all my dealings with Carl, he may have criticized (zapped?) my ideas,
> my propositions, my insensitivity to other members' backgrounds, but
> never me.
> Let us all try to be more sensitive to the content of each other's
> proddings and admonitions in academic honesty, and less sensitive to
> self.
> --Bill
> --
> Bill Chapman <>
> Systems Administrator Tel: (601) 325-2042
> School of Architecture
> Mississippi State University Fax: (601) 325-8872
> --
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