Re: OUK ESTIN SOU ANHR again again corrected

From: John M. Moe (
Date: Sat Jul 05 1997 - 06:48:46 EDT

> >>>>>>>>>>>
> I was wrong. It is repeated in the same context. So Leon
> Morris' insight seems to apply to John 4:16,18. The
> standard word order having appeared in 4:16, John altered
> it in 4:18 to avoid monotony. The article is still a curious
> problem.
> Clay Bartholomew
> Three Tree Point


Stylistic avoidance of monotony won't do it for me. Logicaly we have a
differnt situation in verse 16 than that in 18. In Verse. 16 TON ANDRA
SOU referse to a hypothetical husband in a normal relationship and uses
the usual expression with the article and the usual word order. Verse
18 addresses the real, abnormal, (ANOMOS) situation and the unusual
word order is used. I think there is something more than styilistic
going on here.

Thanks again!

John M. Moe

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