Re: Greek class

From: Paul S. Dixon (
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 18:47:35 EDT

On Tue, 08 Jul 1997 08:53:11 -0500 Chuck <> writes:
>I'm interested in the Greek class, but haven't heard anything in
>I don't want to be bothersome, but I was afraid maybe I missed
>something. What's the status?

Chuck, thanks for responding. Was just getting reading to send something
and will now piggback off you to send also to others.

The Greek class will be starting Sept 1, 1997. I personally will be gone
4 of the next 7 weeks, starting next week. Machen is being put online,
but the process is not going too quickly. I am creating audio files for
the pronunciation for those of you who have a server. If anybody thinks
his pronunciation is better than mine, and you have the capability of
doing so, then my feelings will not be dashed. Just let me know.
Otherwise, don't complain. :)

We will be going one chapter a week. Either I or one of the other team
teachers will be putting an introduction to each chapter on the list at
the beginning of each week. Students then read the chapter, ask
questions as needed during the week, and do the Greek to English
translation problems. I will provide the answers each week.

So, we will let you know probably toward the end of August just how you
can subscribe to the new list. Please spread the word, and start getting

Paul S. Dixon

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