Re: SIGATW in 1 Cor 14:34

From: Jonathan Robie (
Date: Tue Jul 08 1997 - 20:46:47 EDT

At 06:58 AM 7/8/97 -0400, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
>Speaking only for myself--NOT as a member of the B-Greek Staff--, I have to
>say that I think this thread has become rather tedious. I've been reluctant
>to comment about it because I know how important this issue is to Paul and
>to Jonathan both. Nevertheless, it seems to me that Paul and Jonathan have
>both made abundantly clear to anybody still reading the thread exactly what
>the point of their disagreement is; I don't see any new arguments being
>brought to bear upon the issue in the successive posts.

Yes, I agree. I hesitated before sending out that last post, and I think I
should have hesitated a little longer. I'm sorry for prolonging this
exchange to the point of tedium.

SIGATW! (At least, with respect to this topic...)


Jonathan Robie
POET Software, 3207 Gibson Road, Durham, N.C., 27703

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