Re: 1 Cor 11:3-5

From: kdlitwak (
Date: Mon Jul 07 1997 - 12:49:46 EDT

    I won't discuss this topic further, since the meaing of textsis
outside the scopeof the list, accoridng to the b-greek faq, but will
simplypoint once more to Alan G. Pdgett's article, which appearedin
JSNT, I think in 1984, plus a follow-up in 1995 I think In the Tyndale
Bulletin. The argumens being bandied about have already been discussed
in the secondary literature quite thoroughly, and I stillthink Padgett's
solution, which you need to read, not get second-hand from me in bits,
is the most satisfying approach which acconts for the most details.

Ken Litwak
Graduate Theological Union
Berserkely, CA

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