Re: EPIOUSIOS (Matt. 6.11 // Luke 11.3 // Did 8.2)

From: Ben Crick (
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 20:39:28 EDT

On Tue 15 Jul 97 (09:00:58), wrote:

 [little snip]
> The third possibility, often found in the margin, is 'our bread for
> the morrow', derived according to BAGD from hH EPIOUSA, sc. hHMERA.

> Given that so many people pray this prayer KAQ' hHMERAN it is amazing
> that the question so rarely gets asked about this rather mystifying
> petition.

 Dear Mark:

 I was hoping someone would raise this issue. I always treated TON ARTON TON
 EPIOUSION as "our bread for tomorrow", understanding EPIAURION for EPIOUSION: compare EPI THN AURION, Luke 10:35; Acts 4:5. Is there any textual evidence
 for this as a variant reading? It certainly makes sense to pray _today_
 SHMERON for _tomorrow's_ bread TON ARTON TON *EPIAURION*.

 Could it be that a Sigma has taken the place of a Rho inadvertently, to give

 As mystified as you,

 Revd Ben Crick, BA Bristol, 1963 (hons in Theology)
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)

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