Help with TLG tranfers

From: Jeffrey Gibson (
Date: Tue Jul 15 1997 - 22:15:03 EDT

I recently gained access to the TLG with the TLG Workplace from Silver
Mountain Software as the search engine, and this allows me not only to do
searches (I did one today through the entire canon on EPIOUSIOS -- nothing
before Matt 6//Lk 11 or again until the Didachae and then Origen), but to
save what I've found in RTF files. Now here's the question: is it
possible (and if so, how) to upload RTF (or even TLG files) to my server
without the text becoming garbage?

Any and all help from B-Greek techno wizards/computor gurus will be
appreciated. John Baima (sp?) are you there?

Jeffrey Gibson

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