Re: Lampe

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Sun Jul 13 1997 - 20:17:31 EDT

>Could someone tell me how to pronounce Lampe, editor of the Patristic Greek
>Lexicon? Is it one syllable or two?]
>Bill Combs
>Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary

It may take someone who studied in England (Jeffrey Gibson, are you
listening?) to decide. I have assumed that, no matter what his ethnic
background, his name in British English would be pronounced with a silent
e, e.g. as Lamp (one syllable).

But like you, I will rejoice to get a definitive word.

*Edgar Krentz, Prof. of New Testament *
* Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago *
* 1100 East 55th Street *
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