Machen's Grammar

From: Jim Kinney (
Date: Fri Aug 08 1997 - 10:54:50 EDT

A note to shed some light on the discussion in recent days regarding
Machen's "New Testament Greek for Beginners." The book does not go into
public domain until December 31, 1998. It was originally copyrighted in
1923. In 1951 Machen's nephew applied for copyright renewal, which runs for
a term of 47 years, that is, until December 31, 1998. The book, therefore,
could not be made available on-line until then without copyright

Kregel is not at this time planning a reprint. Baker Book House, however,
is slated to release a revised edition at an affordable price early in
1999. This new edition is authorized by the Machen family and Westminster
Theological Seminary. The editor of the new edition is Dan MaCartney,
associate professor of NT at WTS.

In order to retain the strengths of Machen's classic, the revision is
fairly conservative. The reviser has worked to retain as much of the
character and organization of the original as possible. The nature of the
revisions lies primarily in making the textbook more pedagogically
accessible to
contemporary students and incorporating some of the benefits of recent
linguistic study, particularly on verbal aspect.

For more information contact Jim Kinney, manager of academic marketing at
Baker Book House (

Jim Kinney
Manager of Academic Books Marketing
Baker Book House <>

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