
Date: Thu Aug 14 1997 - 09:29:46 EDT

Attn: B-Greek List
SentBy: Marty O'Connell

Date 8/14/97
Subject RE>Lexicon
From Marty O'Connell
To B-Greek List

 RE>Lexicon 8/14/97 8:09 AM
On 8/13/97, Burton Rozema asked about an alternative lexicon to BAGD for
first year students. I would recommend Abbott-Smith's Manual Greek Lexicon of
the New Testament published by T&T Clark. It is available from CBD
( for 26.95.

So for the present I leave thee, remaining an unfeigned wisher of thy
spiritual and eternal good,

Rev. Marty O'Connell
Grace Fellowship Church
Tulsa, OK

Date: 8/13/97 3:52 PM
To: Marty O'Connell
Date: 97-08-13 16:19:18 EDT

From: (Burton J. Rozema)
Can anyone recommend a lexicon for NT Greek for use with students in the
first year or two? I hesitate to have them buy Arndt and Gingrich (too
much at this stage and too expensive), and the lexicon in the back of the
UBS text is just too brief and "narrow" for my tastes. By "narrow" I
mean it often gives only one meaning, which discourages students
from picking up all the nuances, and gives them no practice in using a
serious lexicon.

I have used Gingrich's abridged, which at this point is my only
alternative, unless someone has a better suggestion.

Burton J. Rozema Phone: 708-239-4760
VP Academic Affairs FAX: 708-385-5665
Trinity Christian College email:
Palos Heights, IL 60463

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