buying books in Australia

From: Andrew Kulikovsky (
Date: Tue Aug 19 1997 - 03:12:00 EDT

David, (and other Aussie book buyers)

>I did a comparison of prices for books from Amazon and our Kooring book
>store. Mostly, we couldn't get the books cheaper if we bought from
>but there were some notable exceptions [e.g. the LXX]

Try looking in the price list at CBD:

They are generally cheaper than Amazon, and often it is cheaper to buy
books here and have them posted out to Australia than to buy them here.

Alternatively (which is what I do), find out what the price is at CBD,
add postage then convert it to Australian $ - then ring up Koorong and
tell them you can get the book delivered to your door for $X which is
much cheaper than their price and ask them if they would like to match
it......they usually oblige.

I have saved up to $50 on some books by doing this.


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