Jesus is in the spam! - really! - all things by all means to save some. check it out

From: John Neal (
Date: Tue Aug 26 1997 - 23:31:04 EDT

You know, I've learned something. With all of the negative replys
concerning my original reply to Carl about someone who had "spammed for
Jesus", I have seen how one can grow to irritation over a repeated
nuisance such as spam mail. But there are a few things I'll take issue
with. Having read all the replies, it doesn't seem that any one of you
understood what was done in the first place (except for Carl, of
course), thus the mailings I received were just noisome janglings.
Furthermore, it clearly revealed, at least for those who spammed me,
that your understanding of the gospel is, at the least, defective.
Ev apxn nv o logos, kai o logos nv pros tov theov, kai theos nv o logos.
You're not discussing just some random document in your analysis of
biblical Greek. You're discussing the one who holds your next breath.
Now I don't want to be rude. After all, this is b-greek. We wouldn't
want a pestilent thing such as a message of hope in eternal life to
invade our little world, now would we?

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